
Monday, April 25, 2016



Though I love TWICE as a performance group, their debut mini album didn't impress me much. This follow up was a step up, but in my humble opinion they didn't reach their full potential. Though slightly due to delivery, most of my troubles were in the songwriting.

Individual Song Reviews:

1. "CHEER UP" music video

Once I got past the music video that drew me in, I found I don't really care for this song. The beginning was confusing as it teased one beat then went right into another. Vocal delivery was odd, the notes they chose to hold didn't let the song flow. The chorus is catchy and cute, but it didn't sound like they could handle it as the vocals seemed strained in places. I don't mind auto-tune for artistic purpose, but this was an apparent cover up for me. Again I don't think this is because of TWICE, but the songwriting. The breakdown really caught my attention, and it seemed the chorus after that was better than the previous ones.

2. "소중한 사랑 (Precious Love)"

The minimal tuning on the vocals of this track was a big improvement from the title. While they're still a bit underwhelming, the organic sound is nice. I also really loved the raps in this song. As a side note, does anyone else notice heavy trap influence with rookie groups recently?


This song started strong and maintained it throughout! There's enough quirkiness to be a TWICE song without falling apart like "CHEER UP". I'm a big fan of brass, loved the sample in this. (A little muted for my taste if I have to nitpick). Breakdown harmonies really impressed me, I personally would've chosen this as the title track.

4. "툭하면 톡 (Ready to Talk)"

This is my favorite track on the album by far. The beat is really fresh and groovy, and the vocals are so solid. Raps flowed so well and were still powerful, matched with soft vocals and power outbursts. Listening closer there are some extremely cool drum samples making up the beat, almost like bongos. Attitude 10/10.


Intro of this song got me excited with "break it down now", then I was let down to be honest with you guys. Whoever produced this beat tried to cram at least five styles into one song, and the mixer totally drowned the vocals (which could've been good without that droning low honk @ PRODUCER).


When I hit play on this I was unsure, but intrigued within the next few seconds. The almost taunting tone this song is really refreshing, I love tracks with attitude. Probably the best raps on the album as well. Change-up in the breakdown was need and very much appreciated. The chant type vocals also fit perfectly into this! Could definitely see this being an anthem.

Ending notes:

As the songs were quite literally hit and miss for me, I give this album a 5/10. I really hope TWICE can grow as artists and impress me more in the future! I know buried talent when I hear it so I'll be waiting for them to break through.
1. 툭하면 톡

Released April 25th 2016 Not available on spotify
Support TWICE and buy this album on iTunes here

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