
Friday, April 29, 2016

mini announcement

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KPOP ROUNDUP 2016 pt. 1

Welcome to the first installment of my KPOP ROUNDUP 2016! Basically this gives me a place to gush about my fave songs every 4 months, then concluding with a final 2016 list after the first of the year. I'll start with honorable mentions then move into the top ten! (P.S.: these are title tracks only, so click on the ☆ to see the MV!)

Honorable Mentions:

"Hold My Hand" - Lee Hi
"Call You Bae" - AOA's Jimin ft. EXO's Xiumin
"Sentimental" - WINNER
"A few years later" - Block B
"Liar Liar" - OH MY GIRL
"Borders" - f(x)'s Amber
"Crush on You" - The Legend

10. "Sting" - Stellar 
9. "Pretty U" - SEVENTEEN 
8. "You're So Fine" - CNBLUE 
7. "You're the Best" - MAMAMOO 
6. "Feel So Good" - B.A.P 

5. "Letting Go" - DAY6 

I've followed DAY6 since not long after their debut last year, I fell in love with them for "Congratulations" and haven't fallen out of love since. This song is packed with raw emotion after the departure of Junhyeok, and that makes it a very memorable release for me. Brian's rap gives me chills every time.

4. "Destiny" - Lovelyz 

I just reviewed this album and they've already climbed to the top 5, this song is so great. The spiraling strings, chord progression, and almost J-pop inspired vocal tones makes Lovelyz stand out from a lot of groups at the moment. I'll definitely be listening to this throughout the year.

3. "Galaxy" - LADIES' CODE 

Way too many people have slept on this comeback. These girls are so brave, they came back with a beautiful title and strong performance after such a tragedy. Now don't think this is a "pity vote", I am in love with this track. The mysterious and dreamy vibe is really soothing but still manages to keep you entranced with their vocals. I also adore the chime sample they used, it just adds another layer of dark whimsy.

2. "Press Your Number" - SHINee's Taemin 

This comeback just proved that Lee Taemin is every holy being in disguise. Not only did he work with the legend Bruno Mars, he completely owned this song and style. Dancing on point, vocals on point, delivery on point. I've listened to this so many times I can sing along to the entire thing without a single Korean lesson. Also, the guitar riffs in the chorus are supreme.

1. "Dynamite" - VIXX 

It was a close call between Taemin and VIXX, but after a lot of replaying VIXX takes the cake for me. This song is so different from what they've done before, super smooth, upbeat, and groovy. The removal of the timing right before the chorus gets me Every Time, and Hongbin's part displays his cool lower tone! The line distribution overall in this is better than usual, each member's unique tone and talents on display. I have this set as my alarm because I know I'll be happy when I wake up! We'll see in the coming months if anyone can beat out VIXX this year.

That's all from me! I put together a youtube playlist here if you want them all at once. 

Leave me your own top 5-10 in the comments!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lovelyz (러블리즈) - A New Trilogy


I haven't followed Lovelyz since their debut but this album makes me wish I had. Their fans, producers, and Lovelyz themselves should be very proud of this release. Out of the triple bang this past week, this album takes the cake for me, I'm stanning it's all over.

Individual Song Reviews:

1. “Moonrise

Just an intro track, a really nice taste of what's to come and a nod to the producers.

2. “나의 지구 (Destiny) music video

Right away the strings swept me up and into the song, the circular and spinning chord progression throughout keeps your heart moving with it. Their soft vocals paired with such a strong inventive track creates a great contrast, then opens up to really bold group vocals in the chorus. The general movement of the song takes you on a journey, it feels like it's all leading up to something or somewhere. I really really love this as the title track.

3. “픙당 (Fondant)

The opening of this song felt and sounded like the sun coming out after a long rain. The "shooby dooby dooby dooby doo" part made me smile so hard, the way they sing this song matches the mood perfectly. It seems very influenced by Japanese pop, which I don't mind at all (I love it actually). The ending to this song (and all the songs for that matter) wraps up everything with a cute little bow on top.

4. “책갈피 (Bookmark)

Each member has such a unique vocal tone, this song really shows that off. The build from the beginning all the way to chorus is so natural, it really shows maturity in their vocals that they don't need a flashy pre-chorus. I was not expecting a rap in this song at all but I absolutely LOVED IT, perfect placement and mood. They also briefly used a muted effect that will be brought back in a later song!

5. “1 cm”

I LOVE VIDEO GAME INSPIRED SONGS, especially done in this cute way they sound so magical to me. I don't think I stopped smiling throughout the entire 3 minutes and 41 seconds. The group vocals create a feeling where your heart just soars along with them, oh man. The bridge was also beautiful, their vocals are so great. Some people can't get past the J-pop inspired delivery but it really takes talent to control your voice that way. ALSO listen closely and you get a little guitar solo during the last chorus!

6. “마음 (*취급주의) [Dear You]

From OST to BOP real quick. These tracks are all so fresh and unique I want to meet who produced them and hug that person. The pre-chorus cools you down after getting slapped with a bop then you get slapped again with amazing chorus vocals. The beat dropout was perfectly placed and timed, super effective for suspense and building emotion all over again.

7. “인형 (Baby Doll)”

Here's where the muted effect comes in again, it's lowkey creepy but also very cool. This song is so chill, perfect for the conclusion of a great album. I feel like I would hear this playing during a royal ball scene in an anime (waltz timing), or maybe even some French cafe inspiration. Their soft vocals really shine, and I loved the little harp sample they put in at one point.

Ending notes:

A 9/10. I don't believe in perfect albums but this is as close as it gets.
1. 1 cm
2. "책갈피"
3. "마음 (*취급주의)" / "나의 지구" (yes it's a tie I couldn't pick don't judge me)

Released April 25th 2016
Listen on spotify here
Support Lovelyz and buy this album on iTunes here

Boys Republic (소년공화국) - BR:evolution


Boys Republic music has kept me interested for a long time, they're definitely a talented group. While I don't stan personally (funny story) a few of my friends support them and requested I check out this release. I mostly enjoyed it, but there were some things I couldn't avoid while listening. I feel that if it had been more than a single +3 songs I could've gotten a better grasp at what sound they were going for.

Individual Song Reviews:

1. “Get Downmusic video

The beat to vocal balance on this track was nice right from the start, sound was clear without any disruption of the singing. Pitch editing is a guilty pleasure of mine, so I definitely appreciated that they picked to go so low on that pre-chorus to build up the vibe more. The somewhat droning low bass paired with soaring vocals and a short catchy phrase made the chorus stand out. The dropout after the bridge AND a dropout for a skin-prickling harmony gets a double thumbs up from me, usually one dropout is the max but they made two work. My favorite track on this release, I'll definitely be listening to it again.

2. "Eyes On Me

There were powerful strings so I got excited, then it dropped into a more trap sound still mixed with those strings. I felt like it was building but then they brought it slower which was very very nice, but the chorus lost traction for me. The vocals and beat seemed flattened out compared to the space used in the rest of the song. And yes I heard the "one night stand" I see you son. The raps were well executed but the chorus knocked this song down.

3. “V.I.P”

I felt almost assaulted by the beat in this song, it was extremely offsetting. The weird feeling was resolved for the verse and pre-chorus but they brought it back in the chorus, once again. The synth jabs were too out of place, it took away from the vocals and other beat tones. The bridge and breakdown portions of this song saved the whole thing. I wish they had used guitar or brass instead of that synth.

4. “A Song For You

Thank everything holy they put a ballad in this release. Their vocals are very strong and deserve to be displayed like this. The string accompaniment complimented everything very well, and waiting until the song built a little momentum to add them was the right choice. I almost wish they had changed it up a little in the latter half of the song because there was such a buildup, but it's a very beautiful track regardless.

Ending notes:

I'm giving Boys Republic a 6/10 for this release. As it's a single with only 4 songs, there wasn't enough content to sway me higher but I know their skill level based on past albums.
  1. Get Down
  2. A Song For You

Released March 30th 2016
Listen on spotify here
Support Boys Republic and buy this album on iTunes here

Monday, April 25, 2016



Though I love TWICE as a performance group, their debut mini album didn't impress me much. This follow up was a step up, but in my humble opinion they didn't reach their full potential. Though slightly due to delivery, most of my troubles were in the songwriting.

Individual Song Reviews:

1. "CHEER UP" music video

Once I got past the music video that drew me in, I found I don't really care for this song. The beginning was confusing as it teased one beat then went right into another. Vocal delivery was odd, the notes they chose to hold didn't let the song flow. The chorus is catchy and cute, but it didn't sound like they could handle it as the vocals seemed strained in places. I don't mind auto-tune for artistic purpose, but this was an apparent cover up for me. Again I don't think this is because of TWICE, but the songwriting. The breakdown really caught my attention, and it seemed the chorus after that was better than the previous ones.

2. "소중한 사랑 (Precious Love)"

The minimal tuning on the vocals of this track was a big improvement from the title. While they're still a bit underwhelming, the organic sound is nice. I also really loved the raps in this song. As a side note, does anyone else notice heavy trap influence with rookie groups recently?


This song started strong and maintained it throughout! There's enough quirkiness to be a TWICE song without falling apart like "CHEER UP". I'm a big fan of brass, loved the sample in this. (A little muted for my taste if I have to nitpick). Breakdown harmonies really impressed me, I personally would've chosen this as the title track.

4. "툭하면 톡 (Ready to Talk)"

This is my favorite track on the album by far. The beat is really fresh and groovy, and the vocals are so solid. Raps flowed so well and were still powerful, matched with soft vocals and power outbursts. Listening closer there are some extremely cool drum samples making up the beat, almost like bongos. Attitude 10/10.


Intro of this song got me excited with "break it down now", then I was let down to be honest with you guys. Whoever produced this beat tried to cram at least five styles into one song, and the mixer totally drowned the vocals (which could've been good without that droning low honk @ PRODUCER).


When I hit play on this I was unsure, but intrigued within the next few seconds. The almost taunting tone this song is really refreshing, I love tracks with attitude. Probably the best raps on the album as well. Change-up in the breakdown was need and very much appreciated. The chant type vocals also fit perfectly into this! Could definitely see this being an anthem.

Ending notes:

As the songs were quite literally hit and miss for me, I give this album a 5/10. I really hope TWICE can grow as artists and impress me more in the future! I know buried talent when I hear it so I'll be waiting for them to break through.
1. 툭하면 톡

Released April 25th 2016 Not available on spotify
Support TWICE and buy this album on iTunes here



I’ve been impressed with SEVENTEEN since their debut song, but with only two small releases to go off of it’s been hard to really grasp their sound. I think this first album LOVE & LETTER has really defined what these boys want to do with music, and it’s a very good thing (for them and us). I didn’t dislike a single track on this album, and each had their own distinct sound while holding the general overlaying SEVENTEEN sound.

Individual Song Reviews:

1. “엄지척 (Chuck)”

This track definitely draws you in immediately, making it the perfect choice for the first on the album tracklist. The pre-chorus transition to the chorus itself surprised me, as I can hear heavy trap influence (a theme in the album, I found out as I listened). The rappers shine in this song, which is great as in many of the others I find the vocals shine. Only complaint I have is I would’ve loved to hear live brass instead of the sample.

2. “예쁘다 (Pretty U)” music video

The harmony at the very start snatched me right away, I hope in future albums they have at least one song that opens like this. The vocals in the beginning are very sweet, and flow right into a smooth rap. (I can’t leave it out, yes I heard “ice ice baby” I see you Vernon). The pre-chorus builds with great chord progression to a really catchy, cute chorus! I loved the two parts that go a bit higher so I had to search, props to Jeonghan and Woozi (as well as Seungkwan with those powerful pre-chorus vocals). The 4 note climb at 2:52 had me on the FLOOR. This song just made me dance without thinking, a great title track.

3. “이놈의 인기 (Still Lonely)”

I knew I would love this song immediately, it’s so groovy. The rap over such a classic sounding beat created a really nice, artistic contrast. Vocals are beautiful as always, I just expect it from them at this point. Whoever had the first chorus lines really suits this style. On a side note, the groove of this song reminded me (in a good way) of B1A4’s “Sweet Girl”! This is saying a lot as that song was in my top three releases of 2015. I could’ve gone without the hip hop inserts in the last chorus, but overall I absolutely love this song, it made it to my top three without second thoughts.

4. “유행가 (Hit Song)”

The use of low tones at the beginning was a great choice, very intriguing. The split second beat drop out before the chorus created great suspense. I loved that they went from a slow groove and switched up the beat to something more uptempo, it kept the feel of the song while still holding the attention of the listener. The power vocals in that breakdown, praise the lord. The trap high-hat was a questionable choice for this kind of song, but they surprisingly made it work.

5. “Say Yes”

As soon as I heard piano I was sold on this song, props to the player and composer because it was consistently beautiful. The vocal team has impressed me so much on this album, those high notes were fantastic. The fact that it went to an almost 90’s love song sound made me feel some kinda way. I even got oldschool SHINee vibes in there, also big praise from me. This song was the first to give me goosebumps as soon as they came back for one more chorus. My favorite track on the album, easily.

6. “떠내려가 (Drift Away)”

The track was very chill, almost like a break before those remixes to come. The guitar mixed with some synth provided an organic but modern sound that I really love. I feel like you could hear this playing at your local coffee shop in the midmorning. As always, those low vocals (I’m assuming a part of the hip hop team slowing it down) are a great touch.

7. “Adore U” (Vocal Team ver.)

Now Let Me Tell You About This Song. As soon as I saw the title I knew I was gonna be wrecked, I remember the acoustic version very well. But this. This. The harmonies literally made me clutch my chest they were so well done. SEVENTEEN’s vocals are so damn impressive, it’s as if they’ve been out and singing for years, not debuted within a year ago. In conclusion someone play this at my funeral, it’s in my top three.

8. “Mansae” (Hip hop Team ver.)

This track gives me mixed emotions. I adore the beat, really simple and cool. The raps soar over the beat in the verses, each member’s own style able to shine. It’s been changed a lot as a remake should be, until the chorus. The pre-chorus build is the coolest part of the song, but once they get to the main “mansae” section it loses traction a bit for me. I wish they would’ve changed that up, otherwise this song totally sold me on the hip hop team.

9. “Shining Diamond” (Performance Team ver.)

Definitely the coolest song on the album, edm vibes with well placed vocal samples, a.k.a. good shit. As it’s the performance team version, I’m sure they’ve choreographed something amazing for this and I’ll have my eye out for videos. Slip into the diamond life.

10. “사랑쪽지 (Love Letter)”

Our final song almost made it to my top three, I really like this one. I’m so weak for guitar and clap beats (but aren’t we all). The raps in this track were my favorite on the entire album, they just blended so well into the vibe of the song. Unlike in “이놈의 인기”, the hip hop inserts with the main vocals totally work here! Just a hopeful sounding song, and the perfect way to close the album.

Ending notes:

This album gets a solid 8/10 from me, can’t wait to hear more from SEVENTEEN.

  1. Say Yes
  2. 이놈의 인기
  3. Adore U (vocal team ver.)

Released April 29th 2016
Listen on Spotify here
Support SEVENTEEN and buy this album on iTunes here

so this is a thing

I had a music review blog when I was maybe 12 (which I have hidden in the depths of the internet). It's time for my old hobby to make a comeback since I've been dabbling in music theory and kpop hell. Request/recommend albums in the comments! Or just talk about the album in the post that's cool too.